latest working version Logtalk 3.25.0 download for 10.14.2

0 appréciations

Main category, Development
Sub category, Compilers
Developer, Paulo Moura
Filesize, 18637
Title, Logtalk

Logtalk 3.25.0

Updated the Logtalk compiler in order to allow checking for module predicate properties without requiring importing the predicates into "user" (note, however, that the module must still be loaded prior to the compilation of source files calling the module predicates). CHANGED: The logtalk object methods compile_predicate_indicators/3 and compile_predicate_heads/4 are generalized, allowing them to be called with an entity argument other than a loaded entity or the entity under compilation. Added a workaround for the lack of built-in support for character unbuffered input when using the Logtalk built-in debugger to the config files of ALS Prolog, B-Prolog, Ciao, CxProlog, IF/Prolog, JIProlog, Prolog II+, SICStus Prolog, XSB, and YAP. Thanks to Parker Jones for the bug report. UPDATED: The constraints/swipl example to avoid deprecated warnings for continuation lines with recent versions of SWI-Prolog. CLEANUP: Style issues in all bundled scripts. ?- colour_countries(Map). Map = [ austria/yellow, belgium/purple, bulgaria/yellow, croatia/yellow, cyprus/yellow, czech_republic/purple, denmark/yellow, estonia/red, finland/yellow, france/yellow, germany/red, greece/green, hungary/red, ireland/yellow, italy/red, latvia/green, luxemburg/green, malta/green, netherlands/yellow, poland/yellow, portugal/yellow, romania/green, slovakia/green, slovenia/green, spain/green, sweden/green, united_kingdom/green ].

Official site:

10.14 https://macpkg.icu/?id=26980&kw=ver._3.14.0_Logtalk_GzPlvU.app (19941 KB)

Version iMac https://macpkg.icu/?id=26980&kw=3.25.1-LOGTALK-GSOSY.PKG (15095 KB)

ADDED: Utility predicates approximately_equal/3, essentially_equal/3, and tolerance_equal/4 to the lgtunit tool. These are type-checked variants of the same predicates found in the number library object. IMPROVED: The wrapper tool now tries to expand file paths with the defined Prolog extensions if the file path as given is not found. Free n2w Logtalk vers 3.21.0 3.10.7 Recomended for iMac FIXED: Bug in the conforms_to_protocol/2-3 built-in predicates where complementing categories would be ignored. FIXED: Note on lack of dependencies on other entities when converting entity API documentation into human-readable formats. Modified definition of predicate read_term/3 in the config file for Amzi compiler to return the atom end_of_file instead of '!EOF' at the end of a file (this prevented Logtalk to complete compilation any file under this compiler). Improved detection of built-in predicates while compiling. ADDED: Documentation on multifile predicate definition caveats. FIXED: Ensure the atom::split/3 predicate always throws an error when the first argument is not bound to an atom (assuming a compliant implementation of the standard sub_atom/5 predicate).

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